This show takes a look at domestic animal welfare and primary health care through the relationship between humans and their domestic animals.

A homeless child and a deserted dog form a special friendship and discover news ways to take care of each other. After each performance of ‘A Dog’s Life’ Lunchbox Theatre’s team of local actors asks the audience: “So, who of you are going to go home and give that extra bit of love to your pets?” And each time there is a unanimous show of hands and cries of “Me, me, me”. With the knowledge that they have achieved their goal, the actors pack up the stage and move on to the next school for yet another show.

This highly entertaining, interactive and informative show looks at the issues of basic domestic animal welfare and primary health care through the eyes of a young child. The child is thrown out of home and meets a stray dog, Wafi, in the same predicament. A villainous man, Mr Jacobs, takes them in and puts them to work stealing for him to cover their food and board. They attend an Animal Welfare meeting at the local community centre to steal as much as they can, but end up getting so involved in all that is being taught that they forget to steal. Mr Jacobs is so angry that he accompanies them to the next meeting.

The show looks at the development of these relationships and compares the various attitudes towards domestic animal welfare.

With songs, actions, interesting characters and a life like puppet of a dog, this show has proven to be a hit with all who see it.