These are incredibly challenging times for so many people. Businesses are having to shut down or are facing huge financial difficulties. Hunger and poverty are more prevalent than ever as unemployment reaches record highs. So many questions flying around about whether the government is doing the right thing or not and no end to the […]
In these difficult times of Coronavirus we are faced with many challenges. We need to re-invent the way we appraoch our family life, our social interactions and our work life. So many of these situations have changed in ways we never imagined possible. And now we need to find ways to address these challenges with […]
This is a beautiful video of our After Schools Activities Program delivering a fantastic show filled with fun, laughter, great messages and amazing talent? Watch this delightful show by clicking on The ASAP Showcase 2019. The Lunchbox Theatre Facilitators and Kids attending their After Schools Activities Program can be congratulated on a superb performance on […]
Do you think that if kids try really hard to perfect their talents, they are worthy of being supported? We do and we are looking for people of like mind! Our After Schools Activities Program (ASAP) kids have been practicing their hearts out this year and they are ready to showcase their skills. At 2 […]
When communities of adults break out in protesting violence, little children also experience it up close and personal. How does this impact on the rest of their lives if not addressed promptly? Join us as we celebrate how some caring women provided Lunchbox Theatre’s After Schools Activities Program (ASAP) with a healing, win-win treat on […]
As South Africans it troubles us that there are some inequalities in our society that it will take decades to correct. Many wish that there was some way they could help to make the lives of children better. However, they are often not close enough to the community to make a real difference and are […]
Think about it … where on this planet are there no birds? The bottom of the ocean? Except for that remote place, they are everywhere! Learning about our feathered friends, as a family, can be one of the most rewarding, natural pastimes available in this day and age. And we have a fantabulous series of […]
Have you ever sat and quietly observed a young child at play? They are filled with energy and pure joy. Did you know that humans begin to make sense of sounds while still in the womb and they respond with instinctive movements? Surely it makes sense that movement is something we need to develop in […]
Did you know that South Africa is facing a crisis when it comes to children dropping out of school? Do you know why? There are many reasons … which our After School Activities Program (ASAP) can help to address. When a child is enthusiastic about something they enjoy at school they are encouraged to try […]
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