
Lunchbox Theatre offer some suggestions about good food to give a child when they need nurturing and comfort.

What food can sustain a child when they have lost their appetite and need comfort? Lunchbox Theatre offer some suggestions about good food to give a child when they need nurturing and comfort. When life is tough or sad and a child has lost their appetite what food can you tempt them with? What happens […]


Lunchbox Theatre believe in promoting a healthy body and a healthy mind in children which is why they offer easy to follow best practices on good nutrition

What is the healthiest drink a child can consume?  Are fizzy or ‘diet’ drinks good for them?  What about fruit juices?  Lunchbox Theatre offer some valuable ideas on the best sources of beverages. Children can easily drink a lot of juice because it tastes good. However, too much juice can contribute to problems like obesity, and tooth […]

healthy lunchbox

A healthy option for fast food takeaways in South Africa

Even health conscious Moms need a break from cooking sometimes and what better option than to treat the kids to a takeaway?  However, eating some of these unhealthy options so that it becomes a habit as your kids grow up could increase their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and even cancer. Here is a […]

Healthy Lunchbox ideas for school children.

Healthy Lunchbox ideas for school children.

Lunchbox Theatre chose the humble apple in our logo for good reason. Healthy, simple, wholesome and very beneficial. We want our children to have the best health possible so we will be offering some interesting tips on good lunchbox food. We also offer food for thought on stimulating fertile minds, growing good roots, pruning negatives […]