These are incredibly challenging times for so many people. Businesses are having to shut down or are facing huge financial difficulties. Hunger and poverty are more prevalent than ever as unemployment reaches record highs. So many questions flying around about whether the government is doing the right thing or not and no end to the […]
In these difficult times of Coronavirus we are faced with many challenges. We need to re-invent the way we appraoch our family life, our social interactions and our work life. So many of these situations have changed in ways we never imagined possible. And now we need to find ways to address these challenges with […]
Especially the ones told by Grandparents? Were you fascinated by the tales ‘Oom Schalk Lourens’, created by Herman Charles Bosman, or about wild African animals ? In case you don’t know … Herman Charles Bosman, is widely regarded as South Africa’s greatest short-story writer! Yes, David, “The Voice” is coming to Plett! So, rather than later regretting that […]
This is a beautiful video of our After Schools Activities Program delivering a fantastic show filled with fun, laughter, great messages and amazing talent? Watch this delightful show by clicking on The ASAP Showcase 2019. The Lunchbox Theatre Facilitators and Kids attending their After Schools Activities Program can be congratulated on a superb performance on […]
Thanks to National Lotteries Commission and Assitej SA, Lunchbox Theatre were given the opportunity to create a brand-new show. What angle did they take as a story line and what opportunities would this show afford? Read about the magic behind the Dream Show … The collaboration to create Dream is a story in itself. It is driven […]
Do you know that feeling when you are really passionate about something in life? You want everyone to share the feeling of what makes you feel good to be alive? And when you do find people of like mind, you have so much fun together? Stuart Palmer will do just about anything to take his […]
Do you feel like you would like to make a positive difference to a young person’s life, but you don’t have the time or the energy? What if there was a way to create a legacy which will live on long after you have left the Planet? Lunchbox Theatre have uncovered a wonderful way for […]
Would you be happier if you knew that all South Africans were aware of the importance of actively saving water? We don’t need to tell you about how important it is right now to teach our communities about how to save water. What we do want to bring to your attention is how effective live […]
Do you think that it is important to educate South Africa children about crucial environmental and social issues? How many humans do you know would go the extra mile for this quest? Lunchbox Theatre can attest to at least 11 Heroes who have become ‘Legendary’ through their fund raising efforts. It is only fitting that […]
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