ASAP group

Create a legacy by ‘Adopting an Artiste’ through Lunchbox Theatre’s ASAP groups

Do you feel like you would like to make a positive difference to a young person’s life, but you don’t have the time or the energy? What if there was a way to create a legacy which will live on long after you have left the Planet?

Lunchbox Theatre have uncovered a wonderful way for children within the underprivileged communities to stand a better chance in life through the benefits of dance, art and drama classes.

We are looking for people who would like to assist us towards sustainability.  Maybe you would love to help but you don’t have the time or capacity?  Don’t feel discouraged because all you would need to do is bequeath a monthly donation of R100 to a deserving child and we will do the rest.

Meet some of the children who share their experience about what the After Schools Activities Program has meant in their lives

“When we were little most of us used to dance in front of the TV.  It felt so good to move our bodies to the music.  Many of us were quite shy and thought that we were not very special.  We had loads of energy and grownups were always trying to calm us down. We felt like something was ‘missing’ from our lives.  When we saw the Lunchbox, Theatre actors we longed to be able to dance and act like them!

One day Lunchbox offered us free dance classes.  From the moment we joined, our lives changed.  It’s quite funny that the After Schools Activities Program is shortened to ASAP because that also means ‘as soon as possible’ and that it how we feel, we want to get to our classes As Soon as Possible. We love our teacher and it feels good to train hard to impress her! We are much happier because we feel more confident. We are also doing much better with our schoolwork – it’s like dancing feeds our brains!  The best thing that ever happened was when we danced on stage for the ASAP Showcase.  It was so much fun, and we really enjoyed seeing other dance and acting groups.  Many of us would love a career in dancing and would love to teach children so that they can have the same happiness and better chance in life like the After Schools Activities Program is giving us.

The only thing that worries us is that there might not be enough money for Lunchbox Theatre to continue with our lessons.  If only we had a Fairy Godmother!”

The ASAP classes mean an enormous amount to our underprivileged youth. For just R100 a month, caring people like you, can Adopt one of our delightful Dancers, amazing Actors or enthusiastic artists and make a meaningful difference in their lives.  With your help we can get them off the streets and engage them in something creative, positive and worthwhile that will enhance all aspects of their life.  Imagine how proud you would be if you were instrumental in saving someone from a life of mediocrity and creating a star!

Please take a look at our new ASAP Facebook page  We can also recognize you as an Adoptee and thank you for your compassion via this brand new page. Check out our short video about the ASAP Showcase on so that you can feel the energy of this exciting program. The concept of ‘Tithing’ makes sense and here is a way for you to earn good ‘karma’.