Our thanks go to Knysna Municipality who engaged Lunchbox Theatre to bring their educational theatre shows to Knysna schools. An exciting inter-school Water Wise Competition was launched last year. Saving water was encouraged through The Last Drop, a fun and educational live theatre show followed by a Water Heroes Workshop to entrench the message and new behaviours.
The competition included Plettenberg Bay Primary and Formosa from the Bitou Municipality and Hornlee Primary from Knysna. The Bitou shows were funded through a crowdfunding campaign supported by the Department of Arts and Culture.
Water readings were taken at each school before the show and 3 times thereafter. Hornlee Primary School reduced their usage by 52.7% from May to June 2016 and won the title of the Water Wise School of the Year in Knysna. The winners’ certificate was handed over to teachers and kids at the school on 25th August.
We do hope that, in light of the current water crisis, they decide to continue the competition.
Here are some comments from the teachers about this Lunchbox Theatre Show:
“Learners learn through seeing, interacting and singing. I believe they will remember to save water because of the fun, interactive way it was shown to them” Mrs Arends, Hornlee Primary
“Live theatre is a very useful tool for raising awareness of issues” Mrs Marais Plett Primary
“The learners know about saving water but when they can see the message and be part of the solution then it has a greater impact” Ms Baauw – Louw, Wittedrift Primary.
Photo Caption: Stuart Palmer, founder of Lunchbox Theatre presents a certificate of appreciation to Principal, Mrs Arends and Teacher, Ms Koeberg with the Hornlee Primary Water wise Heroes.Dance,