Trees are just bits of wood and leaves, right? They only move with the wind and they do not communicate, right? Wrong! They are actually very intelligent and sociable beings. And their dynamic social networks function on one basic principal. They seek Harmony. Name one teacher who is not seeking harmony? According to Joe McCarthy, trees “talk” through their roots and adapt to their environment. They deliberately grow their branches in positions so that other trees get sunlight. They check up on one another, and if one is sick, they send nutrients through their underground root network to help the ailing tree to regain their health. They share immunities, nutrients, water and special sugar solutions.
In other words, trees nurture and protect each other just like teachers nurture and protect those within their care, while networking with each other for the greater good of all. We also enjoy networking with our teachers who have to say about The Tree Show …
Victor Rensburg, De Villiers Primer – “Baie genotvol op ‘n baie informele manier gedoen. Leerders het alle konsepte verstaan. Die kinders was teen alle tye opgewek.”
Langford, Sacred Heart RK “Die kinders het gehou van die samewerking en die lewendige optrede asook die praktiese sy van die skou. Die manier van aanbieding was regtig leersaam en wonderlik!! Thumbs up!!
Faniswa Mpongashe, Bongelethu Primary – “Lunchbox Theatre shows are effective because they stimulate thinking out the box. I can use the concepts of roleplay in the classroom, especially for those who are shy as they also learn through observing.”
Stanley Booysen, Hibernia Primer: “Die opening van die verigting was baie lewendig. Die opvoering en sang het die leerders baie geniet. Hulle kon na die opvoering, met gemak, vrae vra en beantwoord Baie leersaam.”
So, trees and teachers realize that helping one another is the best way to maintain their own health and well being. If they ‘get it’ that taking care of fellow trees, will ensure that they will also be taken care of, then what about us humans? Surely their natural behaviour shows that mutual benefit and support must be an essential part of the success of human life? Out of all the tangible benefits that trees offer us, the most useful thing is the example that we must work together!
So please help us and our teachers with any of these options
- Becoming an Investor in a child’s future by giving them the opportunity to see a show. You can find the easy details of how to participate here.
- Becoming an investor in South African education by taking the weight off a teacher as her Learner’s delight in learning through a fun show.
- Becoming a Collaborator by taking a look at our range of shows and approaching organisations to fund more shows for a school near you.
- In particular, please take a look at and find a way for us to stage Dream for your children as seeing it could literally save their lives! Read more here! It will amaze you!
Our thanks to the Stephan-Rolf Nussbaum Foundation for funding 9 shows which reached 1216 children which educated them about the value of trees in nature.
Photos courtesy of Zaza Maga and Shanette Elliott