Healthy Lunchbox ideas for school children.

Healthy Lunchbox ideas for school children.

Lunchbox Theatre chose the humble apple in our logo for good reason. Healthy, simple, wholesome and very beneficial. We want our children to have the best health possible so we will be offering some interesting tips on good lunchbox food. We also offer food for thought on stimulating fertile minds, growing good roots, pruning negatives and producing good seeds which will blossom into a stronger, healthier crop of young South Africans. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Is it true?

Yes, an apple can sort out a variety of tummy troubles. Besides being the one of the most popular and delicious fruits on the planet, nothing beats biting into a bright, red, juicy apple to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth. And apples make you more attractive with great skin and good teeth for a really happy smile! Apples are packed with vitamins and minerals. They support healthy eyes and heart and can prevent cancer. Pack this delicious and cost efficient fruit into your child’s lunchbox, every day and enjoy their healthy smile of gratitude.

Wouldn’t it be great if every school invested in planting apple trees for a lunchtime snack? Start by asking every child to bring an apple to school every day. Then they can all become the Teacher’s Pet.

Are there any bad apples? Yes. Sadly, some adults who have taken on bad daily habits often harm the environment and family.

“The first years are the most important in life of every child as they set the basis for overall success in life. They are also very important for every society as this is the best chance to influence future prosperity, inclusiveness and social stability. Early childhood development is considered to be the most powerful tool to address inequities, a chance to provide opportunities to all children to develop their full potential. Every child is needed, and every child has the right to get a good start“, Tanja Radocaj, UNICEF Representative.

A lot of damage can be done through unwholesome thinking and bad examples from adults who are perpetrating what they were taught. Live theatre is a very powerful way of undoing this damage and changing behaviour.

Adults litter, a lot. They are not managing their waste effectively. Our What a Waste Show creates Waste Warriors. Grownups often have no concept of where water comes from, why and how to preserve it and why it needs to be respected. Our Last Drop Show converts enthusiastic youngsters into Water Heroes. People run risks, sexually … and hurt children. iLifa  shows kids how it should be. Through our shows like A Dog’s Life, the Eden to Addo Show, the Tree Show and the Whale Show children are empowered to teach the grownups about what really works well in life. Help Lunchbox to plant the seeds and you will reap a healthy crop for your efforts.

Apile le Fleur asks…

Grownups say that ‘curiosity killed the cat’. Luckily, I am not a cat although I wouldn’t mind being one. I’m just a kid who is curious. My name is Apile le Fleur. Here is my first question. Why do people run to the chemist whenever they are sick? Don’t they know that Nature can cure illnesses? My Ouma said that the fruit of the apple tree can do all sorts of good things for us. Like they are good for your heart! Everyone needs a good heart so that we can help teach others about loving each other. Why don’t we look after our trees and plants better and learn how they can help us? Sometimes a pill, which they say is good for your tummy, may be bad for your heart? Fruit and vegetables never hurt us so why don’t we love them more than pills? Ouma also said that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Did she mean we don’t even need to get sick if we eat lots of fruit and veggies?