Lunchbox Theatre is challenging a young audience to ‘pay it forward’ after experiencing A Dog’s Life Show.

Lunchbox Theatre is challenging a young audience to ‘pay it forward’ after experiencing A Dog’s Life Show.

How effective is live theatre in changing the attitudes of children?

Lunchbox Theatre are challenging a young audience to ‘pay it forward’ after seeing A Dog’s Life.
Do children really listen to and internalize the messages conveyed to them through a live theatre show?  If they are motivated towards action can they change their world?

With the wonderful assistance of Sunridge Primary teacher, Mrs Bouw and her grade 3 teachers their 98 Learners will be challenged to do something nice for an animal this month.  With plenty of ideas imparted by the show through the script, songs and dances, the kids should have plenty of ideas. Lunchbox Theatre will be returning Sunridge Primary in Knysna to collect the stories before the end of February.  The 3 best stories from each of the 3 classes will be awarded prizes when the winners are announced.

This fascinating experiment should demonstrate to us how the show impacted on the attitudes of the audience when it comes to caring for animals.  If you find this as interesting as we do watch this space for the end results.If the enthusiasm of the kids in this short video is anything to go by it looks like they have committed to animal care. Watch here and if you agree that this is a project well worth supporting and we need more of the same, please go to Even a small donation could change an animals life from sad into happy. It is going to be very exciting when Knysna Animal Welfare and Lunchbox Theatre team up for the Prize-giving.