Lunchbox Theatre’s Thand’ Impilo Show educates youngsters about how to avoid HIV and AIDS and live a healthy lifestyle. You can help us to get the message out there.

Lunchbox Theatre’s Thand’ Impilo Show educates youngsters about how to avoid HIV and AIDS and live a healthy lifestyle. You can help us to get the message out there.

We hear about AIDS all the time however do we really know what happens to a family when this dread disease comes knocking on the door?  Who are the most vulnerable and what are they experiencing? Is there any way we can turn the tide through experiential education that will change destinies?  Find out more […]


Lunchbox Theatre offer some suggestions about good food to give a child when they need nurturing and comfort.

What food can sustain a child when they have lost their appetite and need comfort? Lunchbox Theatre offer some suggestions about good food to give a child when they need nurturing and comfort. When life is tough or sad and a child has lost their appetite what food can you tempt them with? What happens […]


Lunchbox Theatre stage the enlightening Thand’ Impilo show to educate the youth about HIV / AIDS and encourage them to make the right choices.

Do you face these challenges with learners who have HIV related illnesses in their homes?  Lack of communication, stigma and the sensitivity of the subject making it difficult to address? Not wanting to make a learner inferior or singled out?    Other responsibilities diverting leaners from focusing on their education?  Finding it difficult to help because […]