Matt Covarr was struck by the sense of community in his hometown and is doing something amazing to contribute towards it.

When he returned from a life abroad, Matt Covarr was struck by the sense of community in his hometown and is doing something amazing to contribute towards it.

Where is the best place in the world to live?  You would need to have lived somewhere other than your hometown to be able to compare, right? Matthew Covarr believes that Plettenberg Bay is not only the most beautiful place in the world, but it is also enhanced by its caring community. Like most kids who grow […]


Lunchbox Theatre can convert children into helpful Waste Warriors through waste management and recycling with their inspiring educational theatre piece, the ‘What a Waste Show’!

What was the world like when the astronauts went to the moon in ’69?  If they went again today would they see loads of litter on the little blue dot we call home?  Are we being devoured by the diabolical Waste Monster we have created and grown to a disproportionate degree? Lunchbox Theatre’s ‘What a […]