How effective is live theatre in changing the attitudes of children? Lunchbox Theatre are challenging a young audience to ‘pay it forward’ after seeing A Dog’s Life. Do children really listen to and internalize the messages conveyed to them through a live theatre show? If they are motivated towards action can they change their world? […]
Lunchbox Theatre are always on the lookout for ways to raise funds to stage more shows to educate more children. We prefer doing this in a fun way. The funding we receive is always gratefully acknowledged however what really thrills us is when people make personal efforts to invest in changing the face of South […]
Paul Leger tells us why Lunchbox ‘ticks all the boxes’ when he chooses where to invest his fundraising efforts. Consider what it takes to be a Lunchbox Legend in the Cape Town Cycle Tour. You will join some other crazy people and cycle long distances and up high mountains. You will need to … Find […]
The Cape Town Cycle Tour is daunting. So why is Brendon Morris cycling it in 2019? Brendon will be pedaling to educate children within poorer communities and, hopefully, help to save their lives . He will be dedicating his ride to his Mom, June Morris. Many caring people supported Brendon in 2018. Can you guess which […]
As South Africans it troubles us that there are some inequalities in our society that it will take decades to correct. Many wish that there was some way they could help to make the lives of children better. However, they are often not close enough to the community to make a real difference and are […]
Have you ever sat and quietly observed a young child at play? They are filled with energy and pure joy. Did you know that humans begin to make sense of sounds while still in the womb and they respond with instinctive movements? Surely it makes sense that movement is something we need to develop in […]
Did you know that South Africa is facing a crisis when it comes to children dropping out of school? Do you know why? There are many reasons … which our After School Activities Program (ASAP) can help to address. When a child is enthusiastic about something they enjoy at school they are encouraged to try […]
According to Prof Jonathan Jansen we have some incredible strengths which link directly to Lunchbox Theatre shows. Can you can help avert disaster by supporting us? Would you agree with Johnathan Janssen, former UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor that these are the 7 Elements that save South Africa? Our remarkable capacity for self-correction. Our ability to laugh at […]
When you watch this video you will see how powerful ‘gratitude’ is when it comes to developing a ‘good attitude’. What is gratitude and why is it important? Did you know that through gratitude you acknowledge the goodness in your life and that this somehow creates more to be grateful for? When you feel gratitude […]
Did you have a happy childhood? Have you ever been into a community where you are surrounded by little, ‘old’, fearful people? If our youth grow up in fear what hope is there for our country? Abductions and kidnappings are now a ‘trend’, would you like to help us make this more difficult for evil […]
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