Teacher says…

We also enjoy networking with our teachers who have to say about The Tree Show

Victor Rensburg, De Villiers Primer

Baie genotvol op ‘n baie informele manier gedoen. Leerders het alle konsepte verstaan. Die kinders was teen alle tye opgewek.

Langford, Sacred Heart RK

Die kinders het gehou van die samewerking en die lewendige optrede asook die praktiese sy van die skou. Die manier van aanbieding was regtig leersaam en wonderlik!!  Thumbs up!!

Faniswa Mpongashe, Bongelethu Primary

Lunchbox Theatre shows are effective because they stimulate thinking out the box.  I can use the concepts of roleplay in the classroom, especially for those who are shy as they also learn through observing.

Stanley Booysen, Hibernia Primer

Die opening van die verigting was baie lewendig. Die opvoering en sang het die leerders baie geniet. Hulle kon na die opvoering, met gemak, vrae vra en beantwoord. Baie leersaam.

Mrs Z de Bruin, Dirk Boshoff Primary – 82 learners

Learners don’t always know about the importance of trees.  They climb into the branches and break them to take out bird’s nests.  Now, thanks to this creative and interactive message, from these funny actors they know that the trees give us energy … amongst other things.

A Andries, Dirk Boshoff Primary – 436 learners.

The learners loved it.  Especially the song which they learned about trees giving us oxygen and shelter which will help them remember the message.

N Kalipi, Phakamisani Primary – 190 learners

The learners enjoyed learning how to plant and take care of a tree and plants.  Lunchbox is always welcome at our school and are helping us with an important job.

This is what teachers have to say about how the Thand Impilo Show has empowered them to help those in their care.

Kathy Fielding, Greenwood Bay College

Several youngsters came to me and told me how great it was because the show “made it real” and was much more engaging that the usual posters and printed material. One learner said he’d learned that there is a more optimistic way to handle this disease if one is positive.

N. Manual, Plett Secondary

Lunchbox Theatre conveyed a serious message with a fresh and authentic approach through the accessibility of live theatre. Another learner confided that he would ‘use protection’ and that it is necessary for learners to be reminded of the pitfalls of indiscreet sexual encounters.

Ms. Bester, Wittedrift High

It served as an effective campaign. A well-executed production that will hopefully influence learners to make the right life choices.

Mrs C. Witbooi, Percy Mdala High

The educational and informative show should go to every school even to the Primary Schools as it addresses every Learner and Teacher’s concerns.  Lunchbox Theatre have great initiative and are passionate about educating our youth on the dangers of ignorance whilst promoting the “love life” concept.

Mrs Anne Battle, South Cape College

Thand’ Impilo brought a hidden topic to light.  It was fun, motivational and very emotional while being quite scary and touching.

This is what teachers have to say about the What a Waste Show.

Margaret Mvane, 339 learners at Phakamisani School, Plettenberg Bay.

Everything about the show worked well for the teachers and the learners. It was perfect.  It showed clearly how bad it is when our surroundings are dirty and how this can be solved. I can use the recycling ideas in my class.  The children could relate to it and loved the fun of the ‘jive’, soccer match, garbage truck and cleaning part’.

V Wagner, 300 learners at Hornlee Primary, Knysna

The actors held the learners attention especially with the singing and dancing.  They learned that they must clean up after themselves, throw rubbish in the correct bins and to recycle what they can.  The show will help me to integrate the ideas with the curriculum to keep the children captivated and motivated.

Mrs MH Davids, 62 learners at Kranshoek Primary

The children listened attentively and responded appropriately.  The show taught them about life threatening diseases and how to make healthy choices. The talented actors gave us a show that is beneficial to children and teachers.

Teacher says about The Whale Show

Denneoord Primary, George

The show made the learners think about conservation and the role of Marine Protected Areas.  Great interesting facts about whales.

St Paul’s Primary School, George

Interessante feite van die walvis, sy habitat, gewoontes, kommunkasies en belangrike posisie in die ketting van lewe.

Laerskool Sedgefield

Goeie afwisseling tussen feite en pret.  Leerlinge bly geinteresseerd

Ruigtevlei Primary

The Learners will remember the Whale Show for the rest of their lives!

This is what teachers and opinion leaders, who have seen A Dog’s Life, have to say about the show.

Nontuthuzelo Nyathela

The learners were laughing all the way through the show except when the sad bits came, like when the dog was chased and abused. It was important for the kids to learn that

  • it is bad to ill-treat pets;
  • pets must be looked after all the time with food, shelter, fresh water, and medication.
  • pets can be good friends that can reward them with love.

This show was so real with the dog puppet, Wafi. It was on the kids’ level and they loved it!

Nomdumiso Onica, Kwanokuthula Primary

Live shows are fun for the learners because they learn more quickly and effectively than just narrating a story. A Dog’s Life correlates with their life skills lessons and we can use the concept to role play with dog masks. The songs in different languages ‘get into your head’ and are remembered long after the show ended.

Di Butlin, Chairperson, Plett Animal Welfare Society

Fantastic, what a message!

Mr Vernon, Van Wyksdorp Primary

Great, strong messages about animal welfare, Exceptional performance.

E. Sass Sedgefield Primary

They were glued to the show, very practical and educational.

Mr RW Draai, Lancewood Primary

Very informative show. Even I learned a lot.

Anita Schrell, Principal of Plett Primary

You are doing an amazing job. The children love your shows. Lunchbox Theatre is creative, innovative and very child friendly

Mr GA Olivier, Sunridge Primary

Well planned presentation. Good idea to educate Learners to treat their animals with dignity. Try to reach as many kids as possible.

Learners share their thoughts on the Thand Impilo live theatre show for the first time!

Lutochen Williams from Alexandria High

Thand’ Impilo gave us some good advice on how to live life better. We need to look after ourselves by not being tempted to have sex too early. And when we are ready, we must always use a condom!

Wendy Mogwa from Jeffrey’s Bay Comprehensive High School

Thand’ Impilo taught us how to prevent the sickness and that, if it is not treated, we will just get sicker and sicker. We understood about AIDS much better when we saw this show. The younger you are, the more important the message because it is the youth who are the most badly affected by HIV and AIDS. We need more shows to teach us how to protect ourselves! Please visit us again soon, Lunchbox Theatre.

Asemahle Trollip from Kyasa Combined School

We loved the Thand’ Impilo Show because it taught us how to live and love life better. The show gave us a good warning. Always wear condoms! And it took away the fear of getting tested so you that you know your status … as there is help for us. Please come back with more fun, good shows, Lunchbox Theatre.

The educators in KZN offered these interesting perspectives

Tracy Vorster, Amanzimtoti Primary

Thank you, Lunchbox Theatre for presenting this very successful show to our Learners who enjoyed the excellent acting.  It held their attention and they were very animated as they learnt about the importance of becoming water wise. We will definitely incorporate the concepts into our Eco Schools Program.

Janine Saunders, Benjamin Pine Primary

The Last Drop Show was very relevant because the Learners keep hearing about droughts and water shortages, however they don’t really understand the end result of not saving water as we still have adequate water in KZN.  It was great to see the Learners laughing and interacting.  Covering a person to illustrate the useable amount of water on Earth was excellent.  Lunchbox Theatre are a very professional organisation.  Their promptness, excellent diction, tempo and pace conveyed the message well.

Koreene Pillay, Pitlochry School

The Last Drop Show was a very effective complement to our Natural Science Curriculum. The Learners were engaged by the appealing songs, rapping and drumming. The practical hints like using a cup of water when you brush your teeth can be reinforced in class.

Elzabe Leech, Dirkie Uys Primary

Our Learners enjoyed the story and the props.  We look forward to making props out of upcycled material and performing our own plays based on The Last Drop Show. This was fun education at its best.

Some opinions from the Eastern Cape

Catherine Gouws, Collegiate Junior

Our girls found The Last Drop Show interesting, funny, creative, well prepared and full of useful information. This inspired and encouraged them to save water in a joyful, interactive, excellent and practical way.  The idea of fast tracking to 2026 gave insight into what could happen if they are not responsible with water, so it was very relevant. The energy, enthusiasm and effort invested by the actors was very noticeable and much appreciated.

John Jansen, De Vos Malan Primary

Live theatre brings play, humour and laughter to learning which improves motivation and reduces stress. The important topic of saving water will be remembered because of this fun, interactive comedy.  The Last Drop Show allowed learners to relate and show compassion. The costumes, humour, interaction and language used was ‘on point’.

Natalie Brettenny, Herbert Hurd Primary.

The visual representation to reflect the amount of fresh water on earth by dressing a person up in different coloured cloths was very effective. As teachers we can use the water saving methods to teach children to become socially and environmentally conscious members of society. The humour, music, dance and interaction completely captured the Learners attention.

Lynette Herselman, Settler’s Park Primary

The serious content combined with playful situations engaged the Learner’s attention. They enjoyed the songs about how to save water – from now on they will be closing taps! The visual effects and audience interaction ensures that they will remember the messages for a long time to come.  The upcycled costumes were fantastic!

Xholiswa Gwama, Daniels Pre Primary

Lunchbox Theatre must continue teaching Learners about how to save water in this playful manner. The children really concentrated during this very active show and it was a fruitful way of getting the message about saving water across – even down to a simple message like ‘do not flush the toilet when you pee’!