Thand ‘Impilo (meaning Love Life)  is a impactful live theatre show about HIV, the importance of getting tested for it, and how this “taboo” doesn’t need to be such a taboo but rather, by choosing the right actions, one can lead a happy, healthy life with HIV and HIV positive people. With statistics showing that in 2015 more than 7 million South Africans are living with HIV, nearly 20% of the adult population are affected and that the disease is on the increase this is a show that can help everyone. It is crippling our country and businesses financially and this live theatre show is an effective way to help avert or control it.

AIDS is a topic that has gained and lost in popularity over the last decades, yet, it is as prevalent as ever and the need to address this issue amongst young adults is dire. Thand’ Impilo helps with awareness raising and encouraging South Africans to make healthy choices.

Assisted by the wonderful actor and director Nhlanhla Den Mkhwanazi this show is ideal for employees as well as young adults.