Wayne Unser through Unser Construction leads the way as our very First Citizen of the Wonderful World of Lunchbox Theatre!
Do you agree that if everyone listened to and implemented the messages we convey in our live theatre shows, we could help to transform the world? We do – which is why we are so motivated to raise funds to educate more youngsters.
Read about the Wonderful World of Lunchbox Theatre. It is an imaginary futuristic world in which waste becomes rare, water is revered, health is honoured,animals are adored, and children are cherished. In the Wonderful World of Lunchbox Theatre everything is valued and works well, like it should.
We are delighted that our very first Passport to the Wonderful World of Lunchbox Theatre has been awarded to Wayne Unser, one of our faithful Lunchbox Legends for his commitment to our work through a very much appreciated monthly donation. With contributions, like Wayne’s over 100 children per month will be empowered to make a better life for themselves by learning through Lunchbox’s theatre intervention. You can also earn one of our Philanthropic Passports and, like Phil Collins says we can earn, ‘another day for you and me in Paradise’ by sharing what we have to make the world a better place.
We cannot change the State of the Nation however, with our Passport Holders, we can change the state of the Mindset of the Nation via our children. With Citizens of Like Mind, like Wayne Unser, our Mission becomes a lot more sustainable. We really appreciate him as a Pioneer, leading the way. Once he reaches a donation level of R6 000 a show will be dedicated to him and he will receive a Visa to one of our lovely “Territories of Influence” like Pet’s Paradise, Water Wonderland, Reclaimed Waste Monster’s Wilderness, Dreamland, Thand Impilo’ s Lovelife Realm, Tremendous Treeland, Eden to Addo and Wanda’s Marvellous Marineland.
Please consider making a monthly donation to Lunchbox Theatre. We are 18A tax exempt so your donations are tax deductible. However, if the donation is in your private capacity, it does not have to be a lot of money. Every Rand you donate will help to change the mindset of a child through a live theatre show. And we will keep you updated as to how your money is being invested.