How is Lunchbox Theatre changing the world for the better and why should you care?
Imagine a world where natural resources are appreciated and conserved. Envisage a society in which health and happiness is honoured, children are cherished, water is revered, animals are adored, waste is rare and generosity and gratitude are genres of constant expression.
We believe this can be achieved in South Africa with the messages imparted through our live theatre shows.
This may sound farfetched however, we believe that if all the concepts inherent in our shows were fully embraced and adopted 100 %, you could help us to actualise this Paradise.
Consider …
- Directly influencing the path we are taking on our Planet because you are
joining people of like mind who care - Helping to restore ethics morals and values into society by because
you rare supporting the Young Ambassadors we are creating. - Knowing that your donation goes directly to shows because
Lunchbox Theatre is a well organised and streamlined, registered Non-
profit Organisation - Adding momentum to a valuable organisation which has been in
existence since 2008 and helping it to remain sustainable which supports
job creation and education in a rural area - If you want goodwill for your organisation you can offset your
donation through our Tax Deductible 18A Tax Exemption for donations.
You can read lots of positive stories about those who have or are on their
way towards becoming Citizens of the Wonderful World of Lunchbox
Theatre through our News.
At what level would you like to like to become involved in the Wonderful World
of Lunchbox Theatre?
Please press the DONATE button and pay via Back A Buddy or set up a debit order for:
Lunchbox Theatre
Bank: Standard Bank,
Branch: Plettenberg Bay 051001
Account Name: Lunchbox Theatre
Account Number: 282030794
Account type: Cheque
Reference: Your name / email
Note: Contact us if you would like us to create a custom show with a specific message you would like to convey to change our country for the better.